Calendar 2022 - sales closing
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- Written by Martyn
Category: News
Last Updated: 03 April 2022
Hits: 4341
Cragg Vale Calendar 2022, sales closing
Thank you so much to everyone who purchased, or helped with selling the 2022 calendar. Its again proved to be a smash hit, with some lovely comments received. There's a few copies left over, which can be purchased at a discount, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. for advice on payment and collection arrangements.
A great big "thank you" also to the fabulous local businesses who sponsored the calendar, which covers print costs and enables all proceeds to go back into community projects.
Future calendars:
We're already looking at ideas for the 2023 calendar, and have suggested a theme of Cragg Vale - Its Highways and Byways. This should again enable us to showcase the very best views of our lovely area, so please be "happy snappers" whilst you are out and about, (send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) we'll be happy to pop any shots we don't use into our library, so we have a good reserve supply for future calendars. (please take photos in "landscape" format so we don't lose anything in formatting the calendar)
Thanks again
Original message (posted Feb 2021)
Although our fabulous Cragg Vale 2021 calendar is only a couple of months old, we're already thinking about the 2022 edition, so we're calling upon all our local photo enthusiasts to help out by submitting their favourite shots of our lovely area.
We all know that Cragg Vale has evolved over time to accommodate the needs of the people living here, at whatever point in history. Even now, it represents many things to different people, whether it be a place of commerce, solace, holiday destination, leisure, livelihood or lifestyle choice.
One theme that binds all of these, is its spirit, so we'd love to see your pictures which, for you, capture the Spirit of Cragg Vale. It could be landscape, people, places or animals, and if you wish to include a brief narrative, (eg where, when or why) we'll try and reflect some of these ideas within the production. Following a tough period in our Community history, we're looking for a feel of positivity and resilience throughout the 2022 calendar.
Please send your pics to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. All photos included in the calendar will be acknowledged within the "credits".
Many thanks